The RECOMMIT to Reconnect Workshop is a supportive, positive, and safe environment where you learn tools that will serve your relationship now and into the future.

In intimate relationships feelings are often hidden, unexpressed or misunderstood. Relationships can be a cause of stress and pain or a source of comfort and joy. You get to decide the relationship you want. Let's take a journey to make working on your relationship a normal part of development with the same importance we put on personal development.

2 Day Workshop

1/28 & 1/29/23 from10AM-3PM

RECOMMIT to Reconnect will guide you to:

  • Revive the relationship
  • Elevate relationship quality
  • Improve connection and communication
  • Resolve underlying reasons for conflict
  • Learn how to repair and forgive
  • Enhance emotional and physical closeness
  • Identify leadership roles
  • Communicate your desires effectively
  • Develop a shared vision for the relationship

Who is this for?

This workshop is for those who want to learn what is needed to make a relationship work and reduce repeating the same negative behavior patterns, Including:

  • Married couples
  • Couples in a committed relationship who are looking forward to getting married
  • Couples who want to enhance their relationship or marriage
  • Power couples who want to feel more empowered together
  • An individual that wants to work on the relationship, but their partner is not 100% on board

Two way to engage:

  • Couples: Decide to learn and practice together to elevate your relationship. This can lead to in depth discussions, reflection and understanding together.
  • Individually: It's common for one partner to desire to work on the relationship more, so going at it alone is an option. As you learn and make changes, your relationship will improve and your partner will begin mirroring the changes you are making.

There is great emphasis on privacy, comfort, and confidentiality. Further, although we encourage questions and comments, you will not be expected to participate in group discussions. All of the conversations and exercises will be done with your partner or by yourself privately. All couples regardless of relationship length, relationship status, religious background, or sexual orientation, are welcome.

This Workshop focuses on the importance of having a foundation and enhancing the relationship with positive interactions, as well as learning a relationship mindset and allowing that to show through actions. The workshop will include private conversations and exercises, as well as a workbook.

Bonuses include:

  • Access to Facebook Group
  • Relationship Connection Cards
  • RECOMMIT to Reconnect Workbook
  • Two Masterclass Sessions:
    • Relationship Goal Setting
    • Preparing for Relationship Success

Workshop Facilitator: Tiffany Sinceno-Bills

The workshop is facilitated by Tiffany Sinceno Bills, a Psychotherapist and Relationship Expert/Coach who has been helping people individually and in relationships for 15+ years. Tiffany is the CEO of Relationships On The Go a relationship development company whose mission is to make working on a relationship normalized through education and guiding couples to have successful relationships at home and work, and maintain family structures. Tiffany has served as an expert on TV One's Storm of Suspicion and Fatal Attraction. Tiffany has helped to revive many relationships through education, connection, and learning healthy components of a relationship. This workshop is a combination of Tiffany's experience working with couples as well as research on healthy relationships.